Friday, September 30

Chance Project Results

Alex's Chance Project Recipe:

You will need : paint, a pair of dice, a piece of paper

Instructions:  Each number on the dice 1-6 is assigned to a specific color or shape/line.  One die is used for color and the other is used for shape.  Roll the dice together ten times and use the corresponding numbers to make your color and shape on each turn.  After rolling the dice, which number combo the player chooses to assign color or shape to is purely up to the player.  The player can paint in any way just as long as the color and shapes are used from the roll.

Dice #1 - Colors
1. Baby Blue
2. Red
3. Black
4. Magenta or violet (purple)
5. Pale Yellow
6. Light Green

Dice #2 - Shape/Line
1. Square
2. Splatter ( Getting paintbrush wet w paint and splatting it on the paper)
3. Drips
4. Circle
5. Blotter (scrunch up newspaper or a napkin and dab in paint them stamp the image a few times)
6. Triangle

I followed the recipe for my partner's chance project and this was the result:

I followed the recipe for my chance project and this was the result:
The order on the canvas was chosen by the people who drew the pictures, but I will go in order from top left to right until I reach the bottom. The drawings are "Windmill", "Cheer", "Tie", "Vice", "Raccoon", "Pest", "San Francisco" and "Defect." The colors were randomly assigned according to the playing card they picked which also randomly assigned which category they were to draw when they picked a pictionary card.

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